1.跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~






Weather Report

Good evening !Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi.Nanning is sunny.It is hot with the temperature from 20℃ to29℃.In Guilin,its temperature is arranged from 8℃to 13℃.It’s cold in the morning and at night.peole should wear more clothes in case of catching cold.Liuzhou is cloudy in the daytime and has a strong wind during the night time with the temperature from 11℃to 15℃.There will be beautiful sunshine in Wuzhou.People will feel comfortable to go out as the temperature is from 15℃to 22℃.That’s the weather report for today .Thank you for listening .

跪求天气预报 英语翻译 急~~~

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Now will I bring May 8 by the weather forecast. 1 p.m. yesterday, zhuhai temperatures minutes for the first time this year, and broke the 30 ℃ in this high wandering four hours. Along with the south wind strengthens, warming momentum not decreased, the day after tomorrow, the provincial observatory in zhuhai is expected to 33 ℃ maximum temperatures could.

Yesterday, shicheng really heat up. Afternoon, even sat in a room also dare not move, hand and foot always sweat pants down, never seem to wipe stem. The house toward west bask in one afternoon is the feeling of a steamer. JieMianShang for many of the bus station, sunny places are empty, etc. Car all around looking for a shadow hide.

Provincial observatory, according to the monitoring data of 8 a.m. yesterday in zhuhai will rise to 20 ℃ temperatures above. 1 o 'clock afternoon, is located in the national meteorological observatory jiangning the thermometer is up to 30.6 ℃, and in such a high wandering not bottom, until 5 p.m. ℃, the temperature is still in 3.05 above. Urban heat island effect, by high temperature also located in a few, the highest temperature record to 33.4 observation point ℃.

Today daytime south, zhuhai will further increase the temperature will go up. Provincial observatory in zhuhai, the highest temperature is expected today will be increased to 31 ℃ or so, hope will reach 32-33 ℃.

The weather experts remind, because it's cooler temperatures rise suddenly, face, clothing, food should pay attention to adjusting, especially want to drink water more hydrated.


Welcome to today's weather forecast. Recent zhuhai temperature rising, let a person feel as if spring has come, warm warm sunshine in the body is very comfortable. But this kind of situation will not last long, today and tomorrow there will be a cold air raids, temperature will begin to decline, night and day, large temperature difference, please plan works, add warm clothes, prevent colds. Rainy may for your trip to bring inconvenience when going out, so please take an umbrella just in case.

Today's weather is suitable for sports, everybody can more exercise.

Below we look together tomorrow weather the specific circumstances of day tomorrow cloudy, dongfeng 3-4 class, the tallest temperature 17 ℃, minimum temperature ℃, evening 8 sometimes has to rain.

Thanks for listening, we hope our students good good study, day day up

Writing is tomorrow wuxi's weather forecast, for this is not very understand, he the wrong place still please change, still can add another if something please add below, do not copy of!!!!






一月三十一日(いちがつさんじゅういちにち)の正午12时(しょうごじゅうにじ)にパリPont Royal(ポントローヤル)大桥(おおはし)で、花饰(はなかざ)りの自动车(じどうしゃ)のパレードを行(おこな)う予定(よてい)になっております。




Welcome to today's weather forecast Xuzhou! Today is December 30, 2008. Today, cloudy with light rain, the northerly wind level 4-5, gust 6, 9 degrees today, maximum temperature, minimum temperature of 0 degrees, it is necessary to pay attention to keep warm. Today's weather forecast on here, thank you for watching, and we see you again tomorrow!


Good morning! Now is the weather!

One cloudy day next week, next Tuesday will not rain. Next Wednesday will be a drizzle, but rest assured that the rain will stop next Friday. Next Friday was overcast to cloudy, next Saturday it started to rain, next Sunday it will stop, next Sunday is overcast cloudy.

This is the weather forecast for today, thank you for listening.

hello, everybody, welcome to the weather report. here comes the winter, it is cold in most parts of the country. in chongqing, the lowest temperature is 7 centigrades and the highest 11 centigrades, sounds extremely cold, but it is even colder in beijing, the lowest is 0 and the highest 4 centigrades, and harbin is the coldest, please take care and wear more clothes, thank you for wathching.